January 2024 PTSA Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: 1/12/24, 8:45am 

Location:  Lincoln Elementary School and Virtual

Facilitator: Anna Jennett, President  

Board Members Present: Ryan Garrett, Technology Chair; Rory Salem, Membership Chair; Liz Mogno, Secretary; Anna Jennett, President; Doug Lazure, Treasurer, Dasha 

Community Members Present: Lara Pomprowitz, Tera Orey, Stacy Berger, Allison Kahlich, Gina Gancheva, Amy Jones, Jen Holtzman, Emily Clark, Tunisha Hairston-Brown, Laura Carson, Tiffany Holub, Kate Gotter, Heidi Rose

Next Board Meeting: Date/Time/Location TBD

Lincoln PTSA Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: Anna called the meeting to order at 8:55am

Action Items:  Motion to approve the minutes from December by Anna; Emily seconded, no motions for changes; all in favor; December meeting minutes approved. 

Agenda Items/Today’s Objectives

Anna Jennett, President:


  • Welcome and procedural business

  • Old Business

  • New Business


  • Connect as a community

  • Review recent progress and upcoming priorities for Lincoln’s strategic plan

  • Update on Lincoln’s 23-24’ enrollment and budget projections

  • Call to action around PTSA board transition, volunteering, and fundraising

    Anna Jennett, President:

**Please refer to slideshow January Community Meeting for more details and specific information**


-School Values (slide 6):

-Question from Laura Carson re: CKLA

-Answer: CKLA is literacy cirrcirulum that’s based on the science of reading; core knowledge of language arts

-If kids need reading supports at an increased level, they are supported by Tunisha Hairston-Brown and Jen Holtzman

-December highlights (slide 7)

-Volunteers (slide 9)

Board Transition (slide 10);

-Liz and Doug will continue on for another year

-Lara: when do the new positions transition?

-Elections can be pushed to May 2024 at the latest

-Dasha: should we send a specific communication to inform the community about the upcoming PTSA board transitions/needs to fill board positions?

-Positions that have to be filled are President and VP according to the bylaws

-Descriptions of each position are on the nominating committee form

-Tera: Reverse ask-if you have “X” amount of hours, you could fill this role

-This board has worked hard to make the transitions smooth to hand off and support the new incoming board

-You can nominate anyone, including yourself

-Gina: people need to know the time commitment for each role to make it work

Doug Lazure, Treasurer:

Budget and Fundraising slides (slides 11 and 12)

-we are ½ way there on fundraising

-Great feedback from the staff/teachers re: gifts; very appreciated

-Doug: I can provide budget/financials to corporate sponsors or others if needed to assist in getting more sponsors

-We are on track to meet our fundraising goals but need to keep up the momentum

Anna Jennett, President; Tera Orey, PIE Chair:

Partners in Education (PIE) (slide 13)

-Tera Orey has been managing however Anna will step in to help with the work

-Tera: there are missed opportunities with people or companies reaching out to be our presenting sponsors for school

-Promotion: Tax write off, free marketing, can have multiple presenting sponsors

-We have options for any business; you can do a banner on the school for $500

Restaurant Night (slide 14)

-Kate is ready to pass the baton; it’s a relatively easy role to fill and a good way to try new places in the community

-We have to have a minimum before they will cut us a check back

-Reach out to restaurants and especially places you give patronage

-Ideally within a one mile radius however this can be flexible

Emily Clark, Principal:

Strategic Plan (slides 17-27)

-How we demo grace and caring and working through difficult situations

-Tier 1-everyone gets it

-Tier 2-needs support

-Equitable support for school supplies was a wonderful shift/help/success to ensure all students/teachers have what they need

-Teacher wellness has been very helpful

-Big thanks to Sarah and Daniel Sze for designing the great new logo!

-Substitute budget comes from school budget

-We’ve seen more families enroll mid-year

-Looking at systems at how we’ve providing support to new families from all areas/aspects

Emily Clark, Principal:

School Choice and Enrollment (slides 28-33):

-peak enrollment is 290 not including ECE; including ECE would be 350

-We received assistance to continue the work we’re doing

-Dr. J helping Lower El classrooms and working with Montessori primary during their AMPED time

-Anna has been working a lot on marketing

-Having a parent perspective on the tours is super helpful, please volunteer to help with school tours if you’re able

-It can be an emotional thing for many parents and can be really helpful to talk with another parent/peer.

-Tours are Mon afternoons and thursday mornings, they take about 45 minutes

-Emily: we are a small school but not so small that the per pupil budget doesn’t impact our needs

-School choice is now open-good initial response

-Last year we exceeded the district’s projected enrollment number, they projected lower which Emily contested

-Emily: asking for what keeps our school running from the district budget

-Enrollment call to action-more yard signs, school tours, sharing the work that we’re doing

Other Business

Multiple members contributing

General Discussion Items:

-Heidi has a new student teacher from UNC; Heidi and Mrs. Jones started at Lincoln as student teachers

-Could use help to reach out to other colleges to promote student teaching opportunities here which can lead to long term positions

-Stacy: what is the approach when a teacher is gone for an extended period of time for any reason

-Emily: teacher continually writes sub plans for each day they are gone

-Jen H: when teachers are gone, other staff are aware and step in to help and monitor; Tunisha steps in to help with CKLA

-CSC-changes will be coming over the summer; new ECE playground will move behind the amphitheater closer to the ECE classrooms, swings will be moved to current ECE playground, new shade structures will be placed. -Received grant from DPS sustainability dept for garden structure support

-Need a landscape architect to help inform a master plan for any changes to the remaining playground 

-New soccer goals have been purchased since Laps fundraiser and they are a big help

-Amphitheater option for learning

-Teacher communication monthly

-Currently in assessment window; mid january is when data will be sent out

-Request for more information on what iStation scores mean and how parents can access


Closing & Reminders

Emily motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10am,, all in favor, meeting adjourned.

Next Board Meeting: DATE, TIME, LOCATION- TBD


Lincoln’s PTSA Needs You!


December 2023 Meeting Minutes